
niskhaf - Live Streaming concert

錄音檔案不可用。 (可觀看至12/12/2020 (Sat) 23:59 JST)

This is the live streaming show of brand new piano trio "niskhaf".
For those of you who are not living in Tokyo, or who don't want to going out regarding the situation with COVID-19, please watch the show from your device at your comfortable place.
We also offer various options for additional music / video you can download.

Sat, 28. November 2020 from ZIMAGINE Omotesando Tokyo
Start 19:30 (2sets)

niskhaf - The Launching Tour 2020
Haruka Yabuno: piano
Noriaki Hosoya: bass
Kentaro Nakayama: drums


niskhaf - Live Streaming concert 1,500 日圓含稅
niskhaf - Live【movie download】 3,000 日圓含稅
In addition to watching the live streaming, you can download a tune from the show & watch it anytime on your device.

Please note;
1) You won't be able to choose the tune you would like to download - niskhaf will pick the tune and provide the movie to you.
2) You are only allowed to use the movie for your own. Profit activities and derivative works using the videos are prohibited.
niskhaf - Live【movie & EP giveaway】 6,000 日圓含稅
In addition to watching the live streaming, you can download a tune from the show & watch it anytime on your device.
We will also send you our upcoming EP with our autograph. The EP production will start from spring, 2021.

Please note;
1) You won't be able to choose the tune you would like to download - niskhaf will pick the tune and provide the movie to you.
2) You are only allowed to use the movie for your own. Profit activities and derivative works using the videos are prohibited.

For EP,
We will produce our EP from spring, 2021. As soon as it's ready, we will send it to you by post.

※ 無論購買何種票券,皆可觀看相同的 Premier Live

※ 票券只有一種可供購買