*sniff sniff*

*sniff sniff*

*coughs in pain*

there's no reason for crisis core to be this upsetting to play through, THERE'S NO REASON!!!

anyways hi people that still read my community posts
I got some explaining to do kekk

The reason im not streaming that much is because of school, Aikido and myself (duh)
when i stream i want to give the best of myself, the most of my energy and time, not because i'm a 38.9k viewed streamer but because it's hella fun :P

so thats why i dont stream currently, i'm tired, my limbs hurt from being tossed around like a napkin in the wind by old men wearing Hakama at Aikido, and bitchy teachers

that's about it T_T

Gonna go back to crying about Crisis Core now (´;︵;`)

